According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 5.2 million kids 3-17 are diagnosed with ADHD. That’s more than twice the population of San Francisco. ADHD is on the rise, and its time people knew a little more about it. What it is, what it’s not, and how to control it.

ADHD stands for Attention deficient hyperactive disorder, and is a purely psychological disorder. According to Doctor Humphrey at Blackhawk Medical Association, “ADHD is a fairly phenomena, meaning we don’t really know what causes it to occur, but kids with parents who have ADHD, often get it themselves.” But he also suggested that drug use, and alcoholism have shown correlating patterns in kids with ADHD. Some of the symptoms of ADHD are “most commonly, the inability to sit still, a dramatic lack of focus, easily distracted, uneasy, and (in extreme cases) paranoia” Humphrey lists. ADHD is famous for making school difficult, and staying on task nearly impossible.

ADHD is not contagious or lethal. It is not indicative of lesser intelligence, nor is it a serious disability. While there is a connection in ADHD being carried in heredity, this is not confirmed. It also does not indicate drug or alcohol use. One is not necessarily stuck with ADHD their whole life, and can, in fact, grow out of it. Attention deficient hyperactiv disorder is not the same thing as ADD, ADD is one of three subcategories of ADHD. Someone with ADD has ADHD, but someone with ADHD doesn’t necessarily have ADD. ADHD is the inactivity of certain circuits in the brain that mature, and focus thought – not an infinite sugar rush. (National institute of mental health)

If someone you know is having trouble in school, can’t focus, sit still, or control themself, suggest to them an ADHD diagnosis. this genetic disorder is not something that should be left unchecked. “ADHD in adults can be a really bad thing, and will manifest in many aspects of their lives.” Humphrey adds. Another option is therapy. While the medication attack the symptoms of ADHD, mental therapy can develop strategies to combat ADHD at the source, “We prefer the medications,” Humphrey opined “But, there are definitely people who have found great success, and satisfaction in going the psychological route”

ADHD may not have commercials dedicated to it, or massive fundraisers, but it’s spreading. Odds are, you know someone with ADHD. It’s not a crisis, but if left unchecked, it may be a problem.  There are treatments, and medications available, but the first step is to ask your doctor for ADHD testing. If you struggle in school, easily distracted, have trouble focusing, or just can’t sit still, you may have ADHD. Getting proper medication can change your academic life.